Insomnia vs. Hypersomnia: The Spectrum of Sleep

Insomnia Vs Hypersomnia

Sleep is an essential component of human life, and it is often taken for granted until disrupted by disorders such as insomnia and hypersomnia. Insomnia vs Hypersomnia are conditions that represent opposite ends of the spectrum of sleep disturbances. However, they share the ability to significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and overall health. […]

Paradoxical Insomnia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Paradoxical Insomnia

Insomnia is when one may struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep. Even after sleeping throughout the night, one may feel distorted, low on energy, or sleepy during the day. Insomnia is a common problem that affects millions, and, in some cases, it can be both—a symptom as well as a repercussion (Cornerstone, Mai & […]

VA Disability Ratings for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

Restless Leg Syndrome VA Rating

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs. It is often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations such as tingling, itching, or burning. While RLS can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, Restless Leg Syndrome VA Rating qualifying condition varies among different agencies and countries. However, for […]

Benefits of CPAP Machine That Improve Your Health

CPAP Benefits

People with sleep apnea often experience disrupted sleep due to an interrupted breathing pattern. This results in poor sleep quality, fatigue, low productivity, excessive daytime sleepiness, and a poor attention span. Sleep specialists often suggest continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which improves the condition massively. There are several CPAP benefits that may lead to […]

Psychophysiological Insomnia: Everything You Need to Know!

Psychophysiological Insomnia

Do you ever crawl into bed feeling exhausted, only to find your mind wide awake the moment your head hits the pillow? Maybe you fall asleep easily in places other than your bed or struggle to resist napping during the day. Furthermore, does your sleep quality dictate your mood, and do you find yourself constantly […]

World Sleep Day 2024: Embrace Sleep Health with Home Sleep Center

World Sleep Day 2024

Improved sleep health matters a lot for the overall well-being of an individual. Restless night and recurring sleep problems impact both the mental as well as physical health. World Sleep Day aims to educate and advocate about the people facing sleep deprivation on longer run. Raising awareness about the importance of sleep, sleep quality, and […]

Sudden Excessive Sleepiness in the Elderly: Causes, Risks & When to Seek Help

Excessive Sleepiness In Elderly

People often neglect their sleep disorders and other sleep-related issues. One of the similarly neglected, yet serious sleep-related issues, is excessive sleepiness in elderly. This sleep issue poses a significant challenge to the well-being of the elderly. It is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to sleep during odd hours despite proper sleep at night. Sudden […]

Nocturnal Hypoxemia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

A sound sleep is needed for rejuvenating the mind and body after hectic schedules we all get engrossed with on an everyday basis. The fast-paced life, exhausting work schedules, and rigorous day ins and day outs call for a restful night’s sleep to regain the stamina for a productive tomorrow. However, this may not seem […]

Hypersomnia vs. Narcolepsy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Narcolepsy VS Hypersomnia

Quite bewildering yet distinguishing—yes, the two terminologies refer to two different sleep conditions. It’s difficult to distinguish between the two without an expert’s help and guidance. Nonetheless, a few symptoms, causes and treatments could give you a picture of what exactly are we talking about. Starting from the Basic Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that […]

Why Does Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain?

Does Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain

Wondering is there a connection between sleep apnea and weight gain? Well, the complex relationship between the two is quite evident and undeniable! Its interlinked and baffling to some extent. Think of it like a catch-22—it’s like the lesser you sleep due to sleep apnea, the more likely you are to gain weight. Consequently, the […]