Why Does Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain?

Does Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain

Wondering is there a connection between sleep apnea and weight gain? Well, the complex relationship between the two is quite evident and undeniable! Its interlinked and baffling to some extent.

Think of it like a catch-22—it’s like the lesser you sleep due to sleep apnea, the more likely you are to gain weight. Consequently, the more you gain weight, the worse sleep apnea gets. Reduced activity, increased appetite, and inconvenient sleep pattern leads to an abrupt weight gain.

Poor sleep exerts an adverse impact on our overall health and wellbeing including weight gain. Clinical studies and surveys give a descriptive explanation to this by showing that OSA can affect glucose metabolism.

Does Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain?

Sleep apnea increases your cravings and appetite, ultimately ending up on increase calorie intake and weight gain. Perhaps, this will make you feel fatigue day-time sleepiness conceivably having a less interest in physical activities and day-to-day tasks. This simply answers the question ‘does sleep apnea cause weight gain?’

However, this connection has other aspects to it as well. Sleep apnea can cause weight gain due to a number of various reasons, some of them are listed below;

Increased Insulin Levels; tend to be associated with not just diabetes but also excessive weight gain. Therefore, this is yet another factor to contribute towards weight gain because of existing sleep apnea.

Elevated Leptin Levels; Higher leptin levels shows the link between sleep apnea and its resistance to this hormone. Leptin is a hormone that helps in reducing weight gain. The interruption of poor sleep habit could adverse the process, leading to slower metabolism and reduced weight loss effects.

Higher Ghrelin Hormones; Often known as hunger hormone, tends to fluctuate and increase due to persistent sleep apnea. Pondering over why there’s an increased appetite? Well, everything happens for a reason and here’s your answer for excessive carbs and cravings.

Sleep Apnea—An Obstacle in Your Healthy Lifestyle

One of the last things you would want to do is exercise. Probably because the mind and body are so lethargic and resistant to it that it’s more of a challenge to you right now. Feel no alien! It’s probably the bad sleep pattern that’s hindering you to hit the gym.

Slow and steady wins the race—so keep calm and train your mind to work out! Staying motivated and invigorated can keep you pushing through it. Also, this interlinked enemy of yours could be vanquished through focused mind, dedicated hours for the gym, and healthy lifestyle.

Furthermore, it’s not just sleep apnea causing the weight gain but vice versa as well. Perhaps, their interconnected nature is what makes it more of a tiring cycle to most OSA patients. Excessive weight tends to impact the overall body including the neck and its circumference. Hence, narrower airway and loosening of the mouth muscles restricts your breath resulting in snoring and wheezing.

Excess Weight Fuelling Sleep Apnea

As much as sleep apnea adds to the weight gain, the excessive pounds that your body holds also contributes to pro-longing sleep apnea. The two works like fuel and boosts the associated cause.

Naturally an overweight body would have lesser space for lungs to function freely. The fat deposits would hinder the lung capacity, reducing the airflow to quite a significant extent. This could be backed by the latest findings of An American Journal published by American Medical Association. It states a minor 10% weight gain tends to increase sleep apnea by six-folds.

Diving Deeper to Know Sleep Apnea

In simple words, sleep apnea is a repetitive breathing disorder that occurs consistently while sleeping. Some common symptoms include persistent headaches, short memory, snoring, and excessive drowsiness. While the root cause of obstructive sleep apnea is different from central sleep apnea, knowing both to some extent could help us treat it initially.

You’re more likely to snore and wheeze if you have obstructive sleep apnea. Apparently, this is caused due to narrower airways and frequent muscle relaxations. Whereas the central sleep apnea is the problem caused by the poor brain communication to the breathing muscles.

Let’s Find the Solution

By now you might be thinking about weight gain by sleep apnea, how to resolve it or may be what’s the solution for both. It’s convenient to make some lifestyle alterations, however this is easier said than done! Increasing physical activity, eating balanced diet, incorporating greens and fresh juices can aid in weight reduction. Backed by healthy lifestyle the sleep pattern could also take a positive turn in terms of sleep quality and undisturbed duration.

A mere weight loss of 10 to 15 percent can lower the severity of obstructive sleep apnea by 50% in moderately stout bodies (Dr. Michel, Sleep Solutions, 2022). In addition to this, you can always count on products specifically designed to resolve sleep apnea. The markets provide quite a range of ways to rely upon. The ones on fingertips should entail sleep telemedicine, home sleep study, position-correct belts, finger rings, and more.

Sleep Apnea and Workouts

Working out is always the best idea to stay fit mentally and physically. What’s better than hitting the gym, or your yoga mat early in the morning to revitalize your energy levels. Those struggling with weight gain by sleep apnea can cling onto multiple physical exercises or therapies to regulate oxygen levels, and control excess weight. Since sleep apna cause weight gain, it’s appropriate to maintain fitness that helps in improving apnea too. A mild cardio, meditation & yoga, and even a short brisk walk could do wonders in keeping you healthy and fit!

Sleep apnea patients often cerebrate or may have the question ‘does sleep apnea cause weight gain?’ or ‘Is it the sole root cause of weight gain?’

Well having an adverse impact on the weight gain is a reality. Nevertheless, it can be reversed or managed through healthy modifications other than workouts.

Healthy Eating Habits & Sleep Apnea

In order to boost your stamina and help cope with sleep deprivation it is crucial to have a healthy intake. Diet rich in vitamin B could be a great option to uplift your energy. Having the capability to turn your food into fuel that could augment stamina resulting in better & active approaches. Staying hydrated most of the times could also add its contribution. This way you can deviate your mind from consuming caffeine—thinking of it as the last resort!

With a descriptive dive into the question ‘why does sleep apnea cause weight gain,’ it is safe to conclude that positive changes in lifestyle can do wonders sometimes. Manageable home remedies could alter the situation or maybe reverse it for the good. However, it’s never too late to consult a physician and opt for telemedicine approach in serious cases.

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Home Sleep Center Team

The Home Sleep Center team specializes in diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and insomnia in California. We offer convenient in-home sleep testing services, providing personalized care and solutions to improve your sleep quality.