Snoring in Children: When to Worry and What Parents Need to Know

child snoring while sleeping

Snoring in children is a common concern for many patients and while it’s often harmless, it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health issue. As with adults, snoring in kids can disrupt their sleep and affect their overall health and well-being. Parents may wonder when snoring is just a normal part of childhood and when it’s something to worry about. This blog will explore the causes of snoring in kids, its prevalence, and how parents can manage and address it.

Child snoring occurs when air passes through a partially obstructed upper airway while they breathe during sleep. As children’s airways are smaller and more sensitive than those of adults, even minor obstructions cause snoring. Several factors contribute to snoring in kids, including:

1. Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids

One of the most common causes of snoring in children is enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Research shows that approximately many children with enlarged tonsils and adenoids snore regularly. These lymphatic tissues in the back of the throat help fight infections, but they can become enlarged due to diseases or allergies, leading to airway obstruction. When the tonsils or adenoids are too large, they block the airways, causing snoring. In some cases, this may also result in sleep apnea, a more serious condition where breathing repeatedly stops during sleep.

2. Allergies

Allergies are another frequent cause of snoring in children. Studies have shown that nearly 1/3 of children who suffer from allergies experience snoring due to nasal congestion and inflammation. Allergic reactions can make it difficult for kids to breathe through their noses while sleeping, leading to snoring, often accompanied by other allergy symptoms like a runny nose, itchy eyes, or coughing.

3. Obesity

Obesity is becoming an increasingly common issue in children, and it can contribute to snoring. A study found that children with obesity are twice as likely to snore compared to their healthy-weight peers. Moreover, extra weight, particularly around the neck and throat area, also leads to airway obstruction while sleeping. Sometimes, this can also cause sleep apnea, which requires telemedicine for sleep disorders.

4. Sleep Position

The position in which a child sleeps can also affect snoring. However, Clinical Sleep Medicine found that sleeping on the back increases the likelihood of snoring by 50% compared to sleeping on the side. Sleeping on various positions such as on their back can cause the tongue and soft tissues along with partially obstructing the airway and leading to snoring. This is especially common in babies and toddlers, who spend a significant amount of time lying on their backs. Hence affecting their overall development and growth.

5. Respiratory Infections and Colds

When children have respiratory infections or colds, their nasal passages become congested, making it difficult for them to breathe. This often leads to mouth breathing and snoring. Up to 50% of snoring episodes in children are associated with colds or respiratory infections. Once the infection clears up, the snoring typically subsides.

6. Anatomical Factors

Some children are born with anatomical factors that make them more prone to snoring, such as a narrow airway, a large tongue, or a cleft palate. These structural issues can cause partial airway obstruction during sleep, leading to snoring. Two to three percent of children may have such anatomical factors that lead to persistent snoring.

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How Common Is Snoring in Children?

Snoring in kids is relatively common, particularly among toddlers and preschoolers. According to a 2019 American Academy of Sleep Medicine study, approximately 10-12% of children snore regularly. The frequency of snoring increases with age, with 30% of children aged 4-5 snoring at least occasionally. In comparison, the prevalence of snoring is lower among younger children.

What Can Help Reduce Snoring in Children?

If you notice that your child is snoring regularly, there are several steps you can take to help reduce or eliminate the snoring. Some methods involve:

1. Treat Allergies and Nasal Congestion

If allergies or nasal congestion contribute to snoring, addressing the underlying cause can help alleviate the problem. Over-the-counter antihistamines or nasal saline sprays can help clear nasal passages and reduce snoring. Pediatrics suggests that nasal congestion treatment reduces snoring in children with seasonal allergies. Additionally, using a humidifier in your child’s bedroom helps keep the air moist, preventing the nasal passages from drying out.

2. Encourage Side Sleeping

Encouraging your child for their sleep challenges and making them sleep on their side rather than their back can help reduce snoring. This prevents the tongue and soft tissues from falling backwards and obstructing the airway. If your child is a toddler snoring, place a small pillow behind their back to help keep them in this position during sleep. However, ensuring your child’s sleeping position is comfortable and safe is essential.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight

If your child is overweight, losing weight may help reduce snoring. Obesity-related snoring in children has been linked to increased airway obstruction. However, many studies have found that weight loss in overweight children can reduce snoring episodes by up to 50%. Encourage a balanced diet and regular physical activity to promote healthy weight management. If you’re concerned about your child’s weight, consult a pediatrician to develop a safe and effective plan.

4. Treat Sleep Apnea

If your child’s snoring is accompanied by symptoms such as pauses in breathing, choking, or gasping during sleep, it may indicate sleep apnea. It’s estimated that 1-4% of children suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, and many experience symptoms like loud snoring, gasping, or choking during the night. In such cases, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for an evaluation. Treatment for sleep apnea may involve using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, which helps keep the airway open during sleep.

5. Encourage Good Sleep Hygiene

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine and ensuring your child gets enough sleep each night can help reduce snoring. Fatigue can exacerbate snoring, so aim to create a calm, relaxing environment for your child before bedtime. However, it is recommended that toddlers have a good sleep hygiene, and they get 11-14 hours of sleep, while preschoolers require 10-13 hours each night.


Snoring in children is a common issue, but parents must recognize little signs before it leads to a more serious problem. Understanding the causes of snoring in children, from 2-year-old snoring to 4-year-old snoring, helps to determine the best course of action. By maintaining a healthy weight and health conditions like sleep apnea, parents can help reduce snoring and improve their child’s sleep quality. If snoring becomes persistent or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.

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